
Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here! February 19th – February 25th

See what the stars having in store!
Your Year Ahead

The cosmos slows down just long enough for you to take a birthday break.  Watch, too, for an opportunity to make the best of your already vivid imagination.  Dreams take on more clarity and meaning.  After April, Venus introduces new friendship or romance. Update your image and don’t settle for the same old, same old.  Passions look set to soar as – old or new love, promises delight.  For the happily coupled, too, love promises greater intimacy.  At the same time, Pisceans can openly flaunt their professional qualities. Earnings increase but so does expenditure.  Spend your cash, by all means – but avoid excessive credit.  

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Best Day:  Tuesday 23rd
Mars rules your financial sector this week, pretty well assuring more money.  Even long shot offers hold better promise than they normally might.  Spending becomes obsessive – it’s a must-have week.  Either your image or home are in for an overhaul.  Don’t worry.  We all occasionally suffer a bout of financial insanity, so enjoy.  

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Best Day:  Thursday 25th
Stay alert Taurus, as this week could be laced with deception.  Someone you don’t know very well may try to establish a closer friendship in order to extract a favour.  This is fine, as long as you know what the game is, and play by your own rules.  It’s also important to set intentions for the next few months.  Create a vision board.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Best Day:  Friday 19th
With Mars dozing in your sleepy twelfth house, your energy could be flagging.  Be gentle with yourself this week, so no bingeing at work or play.  You’ll be most productive when you listen to the gentler cues of your body – soak in a hot bath or take an afternoon off if the situation calls for it.  Hit the snooze button, Gemini.  

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Best Day:  Sunday 21st
You may feel like you’re being pulled into many different directions.  Perhaps a friend or loved one has a tad too much to say and may try to pull the wool over your eyes.  Don’t be fooled by false promises.  Think about what it is you want for a change, take charge and ditch those who don’t support you.  You are in control of your life.  

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Best Day:  Tuesday 23rd
Not all negotiations proceed smoothly this week – particularly if you’re pushed into overload.  If challenged, try not to exaggerate the situation or facts, as the naked truth has a way of stripping down lies.  You’re not being targeted, Leo.  Troubles can happen to anyone, and invariably do.  Step cautiously.

Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

Best Day:  Monday 22nd
This week, don’t ruffle any feathers by speaking up at the wrong time or for the wrong reasons.  It’s no use shouting louder than others if what you say isn’t being heard.  And be sure to have all the facts before you speak.  Listen carefully Virgo, and be certain that you have the whole truth before voicing a verbal attack.  

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Best Day:  Wednesday 24th
For a while now, many Librans have suffered uncertainty.   But the universe never asks us to cope with situations we’re not ready for.  So when this week brings you to a crisis point, you’ll be surprised at how well you handle the situation – with confidence, and very little anxiety.  Be proud.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Best Day:  Thursday 25th
You’re very chatty this week – so unlike you, Scorpio.  Excited thoughts race around your mind and you can’t wait to share them with anyone that happens to be around.  Right now too, it seems you’re back in touch with every friend or colleague on the planet. Some could also end the week with a fair share of love and luxuries.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Best Day:  Monday 22nd
If recent events have left you disheartened, remember that few situations are set in stone.  When one way is blocked, find another.  Everything shifts and changes Sagittarius, as the week ahead sets to prove.  The cosmos brings joy into your relationships, as well as the motivation to find better work prospects.  

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) 

Best Day:  Friday 19th
This week is all about sticking to what you know best.  Mercury emphasises routine, so work with what’s familiar.  You’ll make up for any lost time soon enough.  Also, don’t exaggerate the facts – as this may cause misunderstandings.  Use tact and charm when faced with dilemmas.  Compromise and be prepared to listen to others.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Best Day:  Saturday 20th
Those close to you are feeling confused by your seemingly distant manner.  The real problem is that many Aquarians now feel a tad lost and vulnerable.  You’re hiding emotions instead of airing them.  Give those worries and fears a voice.  It’s time to trust others.   A cliche, perhaps – but a problem shared is a problem halved.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Best Day:  Sunday 21st

Some extra cash finally arrives, encouraging a new image and a happier social life.  But despite most things going to plan, the week may still throw the occasional curve ball.  If battling against an authority figure, stay in control.  Bullies will always try to rob you of your rights.  Best solution?  Simply step away.  

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