
Your Weekly Horoscopes

See what the stars have in store for you this week...

If you’re celebrating your birthday this week:


Your Year Ahead

If you’re going to be busy, you may as well hope for a trouble-free year.  Of course, it doesn’t always work out that way, but with fiery planets onside – they’ll motivate you through testing tasks. Whether in business or pleasure, this year – it’s all systems go.  Just don’t place too much faith in flimsy promises – not everyone is as trustworthy as you.  


March 21 to April 20


Much can be achieved this week, as long as burnout is avoided.  Push your energies to the max – but not to the point where you’re teetering on the edge.  Similarly, don’t let competitors force you beyond your limits.  Remember, you call the shots – not them.




April 21 to May 20

Not everyone’s feeling co-operative at the moment.  If waiting on a promise, check it’s still scheduled for delivery. Be vigilant, Taurus. If you’re not being kept informed, find out why. Later in the week, life get a pleasant nudge in the right direction. As does romance.


May 21 to June 21


A caring cosmos keeps a watchful eye on your progress, helping to restore what was previously taken or forfeited.  But the most prized recovery is your self-esteem.  With the struggle of recent months now easing, your options expand and new opportunities appear.


June 22 to July 22

If you can command some sort of respect in this self-serving world, you’re not doing too badly. This week, most Cancerians fare better than most. Perhaps it’s because you’ve finally sorted your thoughts into coherent order.  Suddenly, it all makes sense.




July 23 to August 22

There’ll be moments this week when everyone else seems to be at play, except you.  The upside?  Current projects promise an abundance of rewards.  And don’t worry too much about missing out on fun.  Your social schedule will overflow again soon enough.



August 23 to September 22

There’s much to be said for routine, but the same thing day-in day-out can bind past and present into a blur of blandness. So this week’s hint of romance, creativity or, perhaps, travel arrive just in time.   Throw yourself wholeheartedly into the options on offer.




Libra September 23 to October 22

If previously asked to maintain secrecy, you’ve kept good faith.  But situations change from day to day, and now could be the time to tell all.  This is especially the case if your silence is doing more harm than good.  Mostly, to yourself.




October 23 to November 21 

It’s tempting to make excuses for a loved one this week, or turn a blind eye to their faults.  But if you’ve been taken for granted, don’t allow this to continue.  You’ve been generous enough.  Make yourself scarce, and leave them to their own devices.


November 22 to December 21


You’re angry, Sagittarius – and want to speak your mind.  But if you have nothing nice to say  –  for now, it’s wiser to say nothing at all.   Don’t make statements that are hard to take back.  If you choose to push personal boundaries, be sure you can cope with the overflow.  



December 22 to January 19


Maybe you can have too much of a good thing. Last week left you to your own leisurely devices, but now you’re bored with the lack of challenge.  You’re ready to be stirred back into action.  Seemingly, the planets have heard your call and readily come to the rescue.



January 20 to February 18


The week signals a communication problem with someone in your immediate circle.  Maybe you just can’t see eye to eye on an issue  Before making accusations – listen carefully to their viewpoint.  It could be that you don’t stand as far apart as you thought.  


February 19 to March 20

A seemingly harmless comment from you may cause offence.  It may seem nothing to you, so you wonder what the fuss is about.  Take the time to explain what you meant (or didn’t mean), as very few of your friends or family are mind readers.  All should be forgiven.


Click here for more from Astrologer Tanya Obreza.

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