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Mother Killed In Crash After Visiting Newborn Twins At Hospital

Her family has spoken out about the heart-wrenching accident

After giving birth to twin daughters weeks early, Californian mother-of-six Katie Evans visited them in hospital daily. The premature twins were initially not expected to survive at all and were considered a miracle.


On Friday, Katie was driving home from the hospital after visiting her little ones when the unthinkable happened.

The 37-year-old was tragically killed in a collision involving two other cars in Santa Clarita, The Mirror reports.

Katie Evans
(Credit: YouCaring.Com)

Sister-in-law Caralee explained that Katie’s husband grew concerned when she did not return home.


“Jacob called us during the night and said, ‘I’m really worried my wife never made it home from the hospital last night,’ ” Caralee told PEOPLE. “I guess he had been up all night. He expected her to be home shortly after midnight.” 

A 21-year-old driver, who had reportedly been drinking, allegedly veered into oncoming traffic, crossed a median strip and hit Katie’s car.

“She was travelling home late at night after visiting her baby girls at the hospital … and she was hit,” Caralee recounted.  “They said her body was thrown from the vehicle. It was pretty mangled.”

Katie Evans husband
(Credit: YouCaring.Com)

Husband Jacob has been left to raise their twin girls (who are less than eight weeks old) and four boys—including one with special needs—alone. 

A YouCaring page has been created to provide financial support for the devastated family. An update on the page shares a small piece of good news, in light of the tragic events. 

“Jacob and family are incredibly grateful for the tremendous outpouring of support and love,” the page reads. 

“We want to share with you some good news: The twins are doing surprisingly well. 


“Both Sarah and Hannah have doubled their birth weight and doctors are planning for them to come home in four to six weeks.” 

You can donate to the Evans family’s YouCaring page here.

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