Justin and Margaret Mussel were holidaying in Italy in 2008 when Margaret realised she’d lost her diamond engagement ring.
“Earlier that day we had visited Pompeii,” Justin tells Ashbury Park Press. “My wife’s ring was loose, but she didn’t realise it was gone until later.”
The couple searched everywhere and retraced their steps, but to no avail, resigning themselves that it was lost amongst the ruins.
But nine years later and the couple, now parents of two, returned to Italy to make an astounding discovery.
They were staying at Margaret’s parents’ home, and one afternoon Justin noticed something sparkling while he was sitting on a bench in the front yard.
“I saw this flicker of light coming out of a crack in the sidewalk,” he says.
He fished it out with a screwdriver and – incredibly – it was Margaret’s lost engagement ring.
“I couldn’t believe it,” Margaret told Ashbury Park Press. “The band is a little scuffed up, but the diamond looks good. If you saw it, you wouldn’t think it was in a crack for nine years.”