
Street-Style photographer Liz Sunshine shares her fashion and beauty secrets

he was one of Australia’s first street-style photographers. Here Liz Sunshine talks to Maybelline New York Make-up Director Nigel Stanislaus about what makes a great street style shot

Nigel Stanislaus: Street style has turned the fashion industry completely upside-down, transforming everyday girls into superstars and radically changing the way we wear our clothes. Today I have with me in the make-up chair one of the first Australian street style photographers, Liz Sunshine of Street Smith. Liz, have you always been obsessed with fashion?


Liz Sunshine: Definitely. I grew up in country NSW and became obsessed with magazines from a really young age. I’d always ask my parents for magazine subscriptions just so I could get my fix every month. It was really like a window to a world that I was so far from.

So from the country to the bright city lights, huh? 

Totally. When I was 21 I packed my bags and moved to Melbourne and started working in retail, which was kind of my first opportunity to wear the clothes that I really loved and had lusted after for so many years….After a few years of doing that I moved into working as a photographer, shooting online stores.

So how long do you try to shoot for each day? 


As much time as possible, so eight hours is my normal street shooting day. It can take quite a long time to find the right person but now that I’m a lot more experienced I guess I know what I’m looking for and don’t hesitate as much.

Liz Sunshine NIgel Stanislaus
Maybelline New York Global Make-up Director Nigel Stanislaus does Liz Sunshine’s make-up

What kind of looks are you drawn to?

I’m quite broad and open, I like everything from polished to undone, alternative to commercial. If they’re done from the top up and not from the top down it sort of never works so it’s really about commitment, making sure the hair and make-up matches what they’re wearing. 


Tell me, what’s your own style?

I would describe my style as minimal, unexpected and practical. I’m minimal because I like t-shirts and jeans, I like sort of everyday items. Practical because I’m a photographer. I need to move, so my clothes enable me to actually work do I’m always in trainers. Unexpected because I also have really beautiful, unique pieces in my wardrobe. Red skirts, like pink lace dresses, things that I absolutely love.  

What kind of beauty looks are you drawn to? 

I really like natural beauty, or people who can emulate natural beauty. I love clean skin, I love fresh eyes, I love a pop lip, I love great brows.

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One last question and I’ve got to know. Is Sunshine really your last name?

Yes, it is my married name. So I married Dean Sunshine a couple of years ago, his family’s Polish, and that’s his surname.

Oh my gosh that’s amazing, Mama and Papa Sunshine! Now let’s have a look at your make-up. 


Oh wow, I really love it. The colour’s beautiful, it’s nice and clean, it’s everything that I like to wear. Perfect for tonight.

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